Monday 19 December 2011

task 3

Post a proposal for your Level 5 essay on to your CTS blogs. This proposal should clearly outline what you are intending to study and include  

Title - Do brands have control over our society?  

I want to look into the relationship of power between our society and brands with reference to changing world of fashion. In the essay I will discuss individuality, advertisements, manipulation, power, control, vulnerabilty and the possibilty of change.    

Kalle Lasn (2000). culture jam. US: Eagle Brook. 
Really interesting book on branding. It'll help with creating a better understanding of the power of brands & will hopefully open my eyes to the change that could potentially happen if we stood up against branding.

Naomi Klein (2010). no logo. london: fourth estate
An insight into mass marketing and the anti-corporate activism.

Wally Olins (2005). on brand. london: thames and Hudson
This book will help me understand how brands are so successful.

Kidd, W, (2002) 'Culture and Identity', Warren Kid
I'm expecting this to aid me with looking at our society and the effect branding has on it.

Foucault, M, (2005) 'Materialism and education'
Really interesting theories that will aid my argument and open points of discussion.

Adbusters. campaigns: 
Really respect what Adbusters stand for and the campaigns they create, such as 'Buy Nothing Day'. There will definitely be some interesting points of consumerism.