Wednesday 7 December 2011

panopticism notes

- the transaction from physical to mental control

- turning you into a productive person of society

- to conform and control

- PANOPTICON, Jeremy Beniham, 1791.

-designing a building to make people more productive, fro schools, hospitals etc.

-cannot see anyone else, productivity through isolation. constantly visible. power. constantly illuminated.

- power is a relationship. for someone to gain power, there must be someone allowing them to have the control.

-e.g. feminism, women in the past have allowed men to have that hierarchy of power

- CCTV, Facebook, twitter, gym, 5 a day, alcohol units, speed cameras.

-you don't know if there are actually a camera inside.

- self regulation.

-no need to be directed/controlled.

-acting in a way that others would approve of e.g. politicians

- educational institution, teaching people to be a certain way

- turning you into a docile body

write a 300 word analysis of something panoptic in our world
take 5 quotes from the text.