Thursday 5 January 2012

popular culture notes


- contrasting ideas of culture with popular culture and mass culture
- "one of the two or three most complicated words in the english language", raymond williams
- creating a way of living with a certain set of values
- culture emerges from the base and then it almost legitimises
- once you start to understand that you can see that culture can be insight of political conflict
- popular culture can be described as anything thats liked by a large amount of people, inferior kinds of work, culture actually made by the people themselves
- work that seems to be obscure is somehow more important in culture
- work that easy is somehow less important.
- there's an elitism
- looking at inferior or residential culture. you get popular press vs quality press, popular cinema vs art cinema, popular entertainment vs art culture
- we're coded into a certain way of thinking whats correct and whats not with aesthetics
- looking at the dynamics between popular culture and culture. e.g., banksy in a gallery
- prior to urbanisation society had a common culture which on top of the shared common culture there was a tiny elite super culture. this changes with industrialisation.  people are condensed together and yet physically separated, from the bourgeoisie.
- you get a physical distinction with this ghettoisation, it creates a culture separation swell.
- the working class begin to alter their own cultural forms & activities
- you start to see the growth of a working class culture
- matthew arnold, study of perfection, attained through disinterested reading, writing thinking, the pursuit of culture. he wants to define what culture is. 'culture polices 'the raw and uncultivated masses'
- f.R Leavis, mass civilisation & minority culture. still forms a kind of repressed, common sense attitude to popular culture in this country
- 'culture has always been in minority keeping'
- popular culture offers addictive forms of detraction and compensation
- frankfurt school, critical theory:
- fordism (1910 onwards)
- mass popular is culture that is mass produced
- movies and radio no longer need to pretend to be art. the truth that they are just business, is made into an ideology in order to justify the rubbish that they deliberately produce
- the way in which ideology start to code us to start thinking in one way
- looking at how the x factor, big brother etc is judged & payed for by the upper class for the lower
- Adorno "on popular music"
- because everything is standardised it means if you like one thing you'll like the other thats similar
- it reduces your capacity for independence and free thought
- the amount of engagement you have with that is also limited
- produces passivity through rhythmic and emotional adjustment
- causes you to be counterrevolutionary
- authentic culture, real, european, individual creation, imagination, individuality
- the technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain if tradition
- mass production allow us to re-define culture
- in a way we're allowed the possibility of challenging high culture