Tuesday 29 March 2011

TASK 3: Avante gardism


The term Avante Garde introduces and explores cutting-edge art. Here, for example, United Colours of Benetton display a new and different approach when it comes to this design. This poster immediately captures the attention of the viewer, due to the fact that this technique is not one that people would be used to seeing. Another belief of the Avante Garde is that design should have purpose/intention and this campaign obviously set out to look at the issue of racism. Its a shocking yet powerful piece of communication, and in my opinion, the reaction wouldn't have been achieved if the traditional techniques of design were used. It could be said that Avante Gardism is about the evolution in communication.

This piece of graphic design displays several characteristics of Avante Gardism. Firstly, its very direct, addressing the viewer as 'you' and informing them about a global issue. It seeks to create awareness and eventually change. Secondly this poster contains dramatic imagery, looking to shock. Also, another key point is that its not necessarily the message itself that makes it Avante Garde but the way in which the message is delivered. In terms of communication, its pretty simple and rather blunt, but its this that makes it an effective piece of communication. 

Avante Gardism addresses the idea of the artist having a sort of social power. In other words, they have the ability to communicate specific issues in quite dramatic ways. Although many were considered shocking, the message itself got delivered effectively through dramatic imagery or direct speech. The Avante Garde searches for the ultramodern and dissimlar form of design that tends to have high impact. As the tate moder states, "The term avant-garde is more or less synonymous with modern".