Monday 28 March 2011

TASK 2: Modernist graphic design

Stepanova, V (1932), 'The Results of the First Five-Year Plan'

 Photomontage was a key characteristic in the modernist design. This also displays the social events that were occurring at the time. It communicates a message through dramatic imagery, composition and colouring. 

Beck, H (1933), 'London Underground Tube Map'

Form follows function. Simple shapes that are understood world wide. Colour coded. Effective form of communication!

Allner, W (1953), 'fortune cover'

No extra detail, simplified form. Block colouring. The image is relevant to the text and therefore communicates simply yet effectively. 

El Lissitzky (1923), For the Voice

Again, simplified form. This work by El Lissitzky plays around with type and layout, not conforming to traditional techniques. New fonts (at the time) are also used. 

Miedinger M, Hoffman H,(1957), 'Helvetica Typeface'

Sans serif font, form follows function. Global appeal. No decorative qualities.