Tuesday 14 December 2010

New Media

                Pre-internet McLuhan said the world is similar to a village, connected by communication.
                When we moved away from printing with woodblocks (1450 onwards) printing is more available to the masses.
                Newspapers and books become a media for info and knowledge.
                Computers have changed the way we exist and take in info.
                You can now read newspapers online, this creates a whole new type of experience as forums allow the reader to discuss and comment on his/her thoughts on the story.
                Democratic technology allows us to change the information we receive.
                New technology gives one a false sense of freedom and control.
                Hypermedia can stimulate many senses at once, however some pages can be too busy and ‘dizzying.’
                With books you engage on every piece of information recorded, however hyperlinks on the net allow the reader to skip through and find exactly what they are looking for.
                Only a small group are actually in control of what is released to the public on the web.
                New technology allows for superficial reality tv programs such as the x-factor to be produced.
                Voting on the TV gives the audience a sense of control.  
                Radio’s where the viewer calls in allows the caller to put  their views across, but the producer can cut these calls off at any point.
                However with technology advances, it allows more information to reached by the masses.
                It means art is no longer elitist.
                The Benetton campaign is more about politics than advertising. (Dead soldiers uniform.)
                Leeds 13 Scam - A group of art students pretended that they used their university grant for a drinking holiday and leaked the story to a newspaper. They used mass media to gain status.
                Pollock's art is supposed to have no agenda or politics surrounding it. However there is a theory that the CIA payed Pollock off to create this Art to promote Americas superiority over Russia.
                Picasso used mass media to his advantage.
                Warhol highlights Monroe being a product of society more than her being a person. Marilyn’s face is printed in the same was a Coca-Cola bottles another commodity.