Tuesday 14 December 2010



  • Progression of modern life becomes accepted, mainly due to the Pre-Raphaelites
  • Urbanisation of the city began to take place
  • Paris was one of the most modern cities in the world
  • Science and philosophical thinking highly developed
  • Looking at the term "post modern"
  • "Paris on a rainy day' - Gustave Caillebotte

  • ^^^^The new cinematic artwork coming from the modern artists
  • Its new, its exciting. & it represents the excitement of the world around them
  • Its not a painting about these people in the frame but more about the changes of the modern world around them.

  • A noticable increase in the division of the classes
  • With the new invention of photography, paintings naturally become more cinematic, representing new changes.

  • The modern materials - truth to materials
  • Form follows function
  • Almost speaking the new modern language
  • Moved away from ornamental design
  • The Bauhaus
  • Looking at mass production
  • Harry Beck designed the london underground, looking at a new international form of communication.
  • A new visual language
  • San serif fontSimplicity
  • Purity
  • The new excitement of the modern life characterised through design
  • Creating this new modern world which they want to live in
  • Common language
  • Anti historicism
  • New materials
  • Le Corbusier design of the 'ideal city', 1922
  • Social & culture experience
  • Looking at an improved way of living